Dinasou Online Supermart

Dinasou Online Supermart

26 October 2015

Brand Street: Tongkat Ali Supplements

Let's Shop, Earn & Save on Dinasou.com! And what better way to do so than buy one of our health supplement products, Tongkat Ali, with prices ranging from RM75 to RM120. Such prices are very reasonable, because it's not easy to manufacture Tongkat Ali, much more to harvest them.

What are the health benefits of Tongkat Ali? Firstly, it has been used for its medicinal properties in certain countries in South East Asia, and Malaysia is one of them. Tongkat Ali is is especially popular among the Malays in this country. And its most well-known health benefit is to boost men's libido and alleviate sexual dysfunction. 

On Brand Street, we sell three types of Tongkat Ali and their pictures and health benefits are as follows:

Tongkat Ali Putih (Eurycoma Longifolia). Health benefits include improving blood circulation, treating arthritis, cleansing the kidneys and increasing energy and stamina, among others.

Tongkat Ali Merah (Jackia Ornata). Health benefits include relieving bone and back aches, regulation of blood viscosity, warming up the body and increasing energy and stamina, among others.

Tongkat Ali Hitam (Polyalthia Bullata). Health benefits include improving blood circulation, helping keep skin and muscle toned and improving the immune system, among others. A person convalescing from an illness or an operation will find consuming Tongkat Ali Hitam beneficial for recovery.

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